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Journey to Omega


In January 2015, a group of Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) women began a journey to establish a Graduate Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. in the North County of San Diego. We created the name AKA North County of San Diego (NCSD) Pearls and focused our efforts on a service territory that consisted of communities north of Highway 56 to the Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, with a population of approximately one million. We became an official Interest Group in July 2015 and began to hold our monthly meetings at the Oceanside Public Library - Mission Branch.


Over the past two years, we have been working hard to implement the Alpha Kappa Alpha Launching New Dimensions of Service Target Programs. These programs consist of Educational Enrichment, Health Promotion, Family Strengthening, Environmental Ownership and Global Impact that were established by the Alpha Kappa Alpha International President, Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson. In addition, we have embraced the Community Impact Days that include the Dr. Martin L. King Jr. Day of Service, Pink Goes Red for Heart Healthy Day, 1908 Playground Mobilization, the Longest Day for Alzheimer's Disease, and Mental Health and Childhood Hunger Awareness to help serve the communities in the North County of San Diego. Our Oldies but Goodies Fundraiser Dance helped the AKA NCSD Pearls raise funds to benefit organizations that represent the ideals of the five AKA Target Programs.


As the newest graduate chapter in the Far Western Region, we will continue to be committed to the North County of San Diego communities through our service projects and activities. We look forward to the opportunity to eventually charter an undergraduate chapter on the campus of California State University, San Marcos and continue to collaborate with organizations that serve our surrounding communities.



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